Head Office |
Head Office |
16th Floor, Newton Tower, |
Levels 2 & 3, LIC Centre, President J. Kennedy Str., |
Sir William Newton Street, Port Louis |
Port Louis |
Email......................................................... | |
PABX..................................................................... |
405 0770 |
PABX..................................................................... |
405 3100 |
Fax........................................................................ |
208 9263 |
Fax........................................................................ |
213 9176 |
Email....................................................... | |
Hon. Minister(Thro’ C.S)......................................... |
405 3102 |
Website..................................... |
Permanent Secretary(Thro’ C.S)............................. |
405 3104 |
Permanent Secretary (Thro' C.S) |
Deputy Permanent Secretary(Thro' C.S).................. |
405 3105 |
Level 3, LIC Centre, President J. Kennedy Str., Port Louis |
Assistant Permanent Secretary................................ |
405 3108 |
............................................................................. |
212 9579 |
Analyst................................................................... |
405 3107 |
Fax........................................................................ |
211 1625 |
............................................................. |
405 3100 (Ext 3127) |
Deputy Permanent Secretary |
Adviser (Information Matters)................... |
405 3100 (Ext 3123) |
(Thro' C.S)............................................................. |
208 1821 |
Adviser (Cooperatives Matters)................................ |
405 3117 |
Fax........................................................................ |
208 1822 |
............................................................................. |
405 3118 |
Assistant Permanent Secretary................................ |
208 6850 |
Office Management Executive................. |
405 3100 (Ext 3126) |
Adviser.................................................................. |
208 5235 |
Office Management Assistant.................. |
405 3100 (Ext 3119) |
Office Management Assistant.................... |
405 0770 (Ext 264) |
Word Processing Operator....................... |
405 3100 (Ext 3121) |
Confidential Registry............................................... |
211 4052 |
Office Care Attendants............................ |
405 3100 (Ext 3128) |
Registrar of Co-operative Societies.......................... |
208 5318 |
Registry |
Deputy Registrar of Co-operative Societies............... |
208 6754 |
Office Management Assistant.................. |
405 3100 (Ext 3120) |
Divisional Co-operative Officer (Zone I).................... |
208 7785 |
Management Support Officer................... |
405 3100 (Ext 3125) |
Divisional Co-operative Officer (Zone II).................... |
212 0248 |
Fax........................................................................ |
213 9176 |
Divisional Co-operative Officer (Zone III)................... |
208 6836 |
Human Resource Section |
Divisional Co-operative Officer (Zone IV)................... |
211 1311 |
Manager, Human Resources |
Secretary for Co-operative Development.................. |
211 1312 |
............................................................................. |
405 3113 |
Senior Co-operative Development Officers............... |
208 9266 |
Human Resource Executive..................................... |
405 3114 |
............................................................................. |
208 0963 |
Management Support Officers................................. |
405 3111 |
............................................................................. |
210 2972 |
............................................................................. |
405 3112 |
Co-operative Development Officers.......................... |
211 8667 |
Finance Section |
............................................................................. |
210 1906 |
Manager, Financial Operations................................. |
405 3115 |
............................................................................. |
211 8630 |
Senior Financial Operations Officer.......................... |
405 3109 |
Manager, Financial Operations................................. |
211 1314 |
Management Support Officer ................................. |
405 3110 |
Assistant Manager, Financial Operations.................. |
211 4053 |
Fax........................................................................ |
213 9159 |
Senior Human Resource Executive........................... |
211 1313 |
Procurement and Supply Section |
Office Management Executive................................. |
208 7499 |
Procurement & Supply Officer................................. |
405 3116 |
Procurement Section.............................................. |
213 0507 |
Management Support Officer ................. |
405 3100 (Ext 3122) |
Senior Statistical Officer.......................................... |
208 6750 |
Fax........................................................................ |
213 9160 |
Arbitration, Liquidation & Charges Unit..................... |
208 8138 |
Registration, Public Relations & Hotline Unit |
............................................................................. |
211 7739 |
Royal Road, Coromandel |
Consolidation, Development, Education, |
PABX..................................................................... |
233 0500 |
Research & Training Unit......................................... |
208 8138 |
Fax........................................................................ |
233 5545 |
Regional Co-operative Centres (RCCs) |
Beau Champ RCC |
Plaine Corail, Airport Shop |
FSC Bldg., Beau Champ.......................................... |
417 6895 |
............................................................................. |
832 7653 |
Bon Accueil RCC |
Malabar................................................................. |
831 4428 |
FSC Bldg., Bon Accueil........................................... |
418 6787 |
............................................................................. |
832 5801 |
Goodlands RCC |
Fax........................................................................ |
831 5446 |
2nd Floor, NPF Bldg., Goodlands............................. |
283 6339 |
Henrietta RCC |
4th Floor, DBM Bldg., Chaussée St, Port Louis |
La Marie Road, Glen Park, Vacoas........................... |
684 9962 |
PABX..................................................................... |
211 0641 |
Port Louis (North & South), RCC |
............................................................................. |
212 9818 |
2nd Floor, LIC Centre, Port Louis. |
208 8139 |
Fax........................................................................ |
213 3080 |
Quatre Bornes RCC |
E-mail............................................................. | |
Immeuble Meguinville |
Website........................................................... | |
88 St. Jean Road, Quatre Bornes............................ |
467 1116 |
Tamarin RCC |
Maison des Pêcheurs, Tamarin................................ |
483 8161 |
Rose Belle RCC |
Capitol Lane, Rose Belle......................................... |
627 7824 |
Solitude RCC |
FSC Bldg., Royal Road, Solitude.............................. |
261 8512 |
St. Felix RCC |